Source: IP2Proxy PX11 (The latest update)
IP Address | |
Proxy Type |
No VPN or Proxy Detected |
Country Code | US |
Country Name | United States of America |
Region Name | Massachusetts |
City Name | Boston |
ISP | Northeastern University |
Domain | |
Usage Type | (EDU) University/College/School |
ASN | AS156 |
AS | Northeastern University |
Last Seen | - |
Threat | - |
Provider | - |
The IP Geolocation API allows you to retrieve proxy information and geolocation location information.
Below is the example result for
$ curl "{YOUR_API_KEY}&ip="
"ip": "",
"country_code": "US",
"country_name": "United States of America",
"region_name": "Massachusetts",
"district": "Suffolk County",
"city_name": "Boston",
"latitude": 42.34187,
"longitude": -71.09685,
"zip_code": "02115",
"time_zone": "-04:00",
"asn": "156",
"as": "Northeastern University",
"isp": "Northeastern University",
"domain": "",
"net_speed": "COMP",
"idd_code": "1",
"area_code": "617/857",
"weather_station_code": "USMA0046",
"weather_station_name": "Boston",
"mcc": "-",
"mnc": "-",
"mobile_brand": "-",
"elevation": 15,
"usage_type": "EDU",
"address_type": "Unicast",
"ads_category": "IAB5-6",
"ads_category_name": "Distance Learning",
"continent": {
"name": "North America",
"code": "NA",
"hemisphere": [
"translation": {
"lang": null,
"value": null
"country": {
"name": "United States of America",
"alpha3_code": "USA",
"numeric_code": 840,
"demonym": "Americans",
"flag": "",
"capital": "Washington, D.C.",
"total_area": 9826675,
"population": 339665118,
"currency": {
"code": "USD",
"name": "United States Dollar",
"symbol": "$"
"language": {
"code": "EN",
"name": "English"
"tld": "us",
"translation": {
"lang": null,
"value": null
"region": {
"name": "Massachusetts",
"code": "US-MA",
"translation": {
"lang": null,
"value": null
"city": {
"name": "Boston",
"translation": {
"lang": null,
"value": null
"time_zone_info": {
"olson": "America/New_York",
"current_time": "2024-09-17T12:09:22-04:00",
"gmt_offset": -14400,
"is_dst": true,
"sunrise": "06:25",
"sunset": "18:51"
"geotargeting": {
"metro": "506"
"is_proxy": false,
"proxy": {
"last_seen": 0,
"proxy_type": "-",
"threat": "-",
"provider": "-",
"is_vpn": false,
"is_tor": false,
"is_data_center": false,
"is_public_proxy": false,
"is_web_proxy": false,
"is_web_crawler": false,
"is_residential_proxy": false,
"is_consumer_privacy_network": false,
"is_enterprise_private_network": false,
"is_spammer": false,
"is_scanner": false,
"is_botnet": false
For more details, please refer to
A proxy address may hide the user’s actual IP address and physical location but you can still get lots of info about it.
A proxy address can reveal geolocation information of your internet-connected devices. Geolocation information can be obtained by using IP2Proxy Proxy Detection.
The geolocation information of an proxy address is as below:
Detect your proxy and obtain proxy information like types of proxy.
VPNs are used by people who needs to hide their IP address.
The open proxies make connection requests on a user's behalf. They usually have limited functionality compared to VPNs.
As the name imply, web proxies are simple web-based proxies which make web requests on a user's behalf.
Tor exit nodes are open networks used by those who wish to maintain anonymity.
These are services which perform crawling or scraping to a website, such as, the search engine spider or bots engine.
Since hosting providers and data centers serve to provide anonymity, the Anonymous IP database flags IP addresses associated with them.
These services offer users proxy connections through residential ISP with or without consents of peers to share their idle resources.
These services ensure encrypted traffic by routing internet requests through relays, concealing the IP address, location, and browsing activity.
Services like SASE or SD-WAN combine network security functions with WAN capabilities to meet the secure remote access needs of organizations.
Learn more about IP2Proxy Proxy Detection by viewing articles below.